BodyLuxe Now. Welcome, I'm Cherie Marie.
Peace with food & body is the ultimate luxury.
*It happens in the BODY. Our head is all awash in could-should-have to’s, rules & regulations. When the body leads, the mind will catch up. Our body has TRUTH…*
I believe the reason we struggle with our weight and body image is because we are unconsciously disconnected from our bodies. Somewhere we learned (way back when - most likely due to good-girl conditioning) to separate our heart, mind, soul & spirit from our animal bodies. Yes, we know she’s there, but we exist, rather than THRIVE in her. The disconnect has interrupted our ability to know what we truly desire, read our body signals, know true “appetite” vs. cravings and it may feel like food rabidly “controls” us and like we are always at war w/ ourselves; we can’t see our way out. Our brains are stuck, wired into a perpetual state of frustrated dissatisfaction and often - desperation.
Plus, the magical promise held in “dieting” never works for more than a flash. Then we have that cycle of gain/lose disappointment roll around again. Frantic, we spend “will power”, energy, tears and $$$ on it again. And, again.
There’s a way out. This is what I teach - the BodyLuxe Method - a comprehensive, body driven mindset method for restructuring food & body relationships, permanently. Focusing on weight loss & food is never enough. We need #heartmindbodysoulspirit integration and enrichment. I teach serious tools/skills to not only manage food, but also handle strong emotions, soothe our (jacked up modern) nervous systems, calm our Bully Brain attacks (work with neuroscience-proven habit rewiring) & to thrive happily in our bodies without shame and guilt - - true peace & L U X U R Y in our skin!
GOAL: Sensually Rich Living. Spiritually Nourished Living. High Satiety. Luxurious peace with food & body.
FEEL better, lose weight, move better, become more active, sleep better, follow your DESIRES, be more productive, thrive! Learn to stop sabotaging yourself, with food and everything else. Uplevel. Free yourself from powerful food addiction behavior patterns. Find peace with food. Establish trust & authentic camaraderie with your body. Let me help you liberate yourself!
I love, love, love this stuff :-) I dig it. It took me 4 decades of miserable diet hamster wheel living & 4 years of study to develop The BodyLuxe Method. I would love to share what I discovered with you! We will start through email and progress to an exploratory call or 1-hr. Zoom. NEVER any pressure. Just - relief.
Cherie Marie
#bodyluxemethod #bodyluxenow #bodyluxe #goodgirlconditioning #weightloss #bodyimagerenovation #bodyimagestruggles #bodyimage #permanentweightloss #loseweightforgood #neverdietagain #nomoredieting #dietculturedropout #religioustrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #religioustraumahealing #weightlossmindset #weightlosscoach #sensuallyrichliving #spirituallynourishedliving #thehighsatietymethod #satiety #peacewithfood #sensoryintensiveexperiences